Saturday, May 30, 2009

AICW VX3 Weapon

AICW VX3 Gun is a Deadly Weapon use in Us Commandos

Colt CAR-15 / XM-177 Commando

1.colt xm-177e1
2.colt commando (model 733,note m16a2-style brass deflector and forward assist)

Lt.Col Haroon Islam Shaheed

Lt.Col Haroon Islam Shaheed LAAL MOsque Opration.Islam Abad.Pride Son oF Paksitan

They Are Coming

Seal Team Members Are in Action


here is replica of Seals Team 2


United stats Marien corps

SEAL Team 6(St 6) & Green Berets

two pics 1st is world famous ST6(seal team 6) and 2nd is Green Beret
a thrill scene of Commando Life

Royal Mariens

UK Royal Mariens is Top Ranked Commandos.

Green Berets

Green Berets is Top of My List.Here is Replica of Green Beret Commandos

Us Navy Seals

US Navy Seals Action in desert.SEAL is My favorite

Swat Team

Spacial Weapon And Tactics(S.W.A.T)

.i love these Guys

SSG In Action

Spacial Services Group(Pakistan Army) is ON

Naval Spacial Services Group (Pakistan)

Here is Pic from pakistani NSSG commandos During Opration In Gulf.Proud so

ns of soil

1st Of All

the purpose of this blog is to tribute the Spacial forces (Commandos).who spent thier lives for there unknown.died unknown.
in my early childhood i am getting inspired from biggest wish is to be a Commando
but unfortunatly i am not able to fulfil my wish.but now i am able to tribute,s not matter what they are,what there country,what they my blog evrey one is
Green Berets.Delta Force,Seals.Usmc.Air Borns.AFsof.Royal mariens.Paras.Csar,Army Rangers.SAS/SBS.SSg.Nssg